Virtual Online Swimming Coaching Courses

Online Swim Technique Coaching Courses
Different times call for different approaches to keep you learning and improve your swimming.
Using my wealth of swimming knowledge and competition experience, I have been developing an improvers programme that can be followed from the comfort of your home with specific focus on freestyle. I have reimagined or created exercises that mimic and replicate the key components that make up the efficient swimming stroke.
The courses are designed to develop and build a deeper understanding about the ‘what, why and how’ of learning movement routines and exercises to develop muscular strength and endurance and, more importantly, to build and imprint muscle memory and improve proprioception, both essential components allowing automatic recall of how to perform correct technique without having to think about it.
How will this happen? Well once the brain starts to process and understand the 'what' & the 'why', self-awareness of the relative positioning of all the body parts involved in swimming starts to develop. Building positive muscle memory requires the body to learn (or re-learn) how to activate the right muscles, with the right movements, at the right time (neuromuscular activation), to position, hold or move body parts into position, whilst maintaining awareness of their relative position in relation to the other moving and stationary parts (proprioception).
Neuro-muscular activation is a focus on key functional movements that retrain the muscles, brain and joints to communicate with each other improving movement, strength, balance and function.
Proprioception plays an important role in the planning of precise and coordinated movements, body awareness, in maintaining balance and controlling body posture. Proprioception is a continuous feedback loop between the sensory receptors found in your skin, muscles, joints and nervous system. During movement, the brain senses the effort, force, and weight of the actions and positions, responding accordingly. Essentially, the sensory receptors relay information to the brain when a body part is moving, so it learns where a body part is relative to the rest of the body.
Both neuro-muscular activation and proprioception are fundamental in the early stages of learning, as they pave the way to developing a solid base upon which to build.
Through repetition and focused performance of functional movements and exercises, the course will enable you to restore muscle memory and build and refine it, enhancing your stroke beyond its current level.
There is so much to be gained from improving swimming from home, without the obvious barriers. The learning rate can be increased, by removing the external variables that swimming presents, whilst learning in a closed (fixed) environment, where techniques can be honed through the isolation and breakdown of techniques, repetition and practice, all whilst receiving constructive feedback, increasing improvement and refinement opportunities.
Whilst these are very important, having the opportunity to learn and understand more about stroke mechanics, and to train the muscles, tendons and joints to move in the right way, improving neuromuscular, proprioception and muscle memory, and in a much more conducive setting, will give your body not only the physiological adaptations but also the psychological adaptations. Allowing you to be more ready than ever to negotiate and transfer all your skills to the pool environment as and when time and conditions allow; when they do, you will know what to do to keep your skills sharp until you can get to the pool.
Virtual Online Freestyle Technique Course:
Starting Saturday 6th February 2022
6 Weeks Introduction Course
for Level 1+2 Type Swimmers
Course details:
When: Saturday 6th February 2021
Start Time: 8:30-9:30am
Online: Zoom
Cost: £35
Duration: 6 sessions x 60 minutes
Frequency: Weekly
Further Information:
If courses become oversubscribed there will be additional courses run.

Course Levels Descriptions
Level 1 - Be able to demonstrate forward motion using kicking and arm actions though struggles with co-ordination and breathing, often needing to stop & take breaks to recover. Confidence in the water improving. Focus on basic techniques.
Level 2 - Demonstrates confidence in the water, able to swim at a consistent pace, smooth propulsion through the water, focus is now on technique refinement.

Further Courses:
These will build on from the 'intoduction course'...Where focus is more on coordination & timing bringing the stroke together using equipement to challenge core strength and stablilty.